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Our Mission

Our goal is to bring awareness to the issues that victims of abuse are facing in our family court system, provide resources, and to advocate for changes in our family court system. 


In addition, we also aim to: 

  • Advocate and push for Coercive Control laws in the United States

  • Advocate for required training for Judges, GALs, and attorneys in the family court system

  • Advocate for Virginia and other states to to amend their states's family code so that coercive control will be considered in custody and visitation decisions

  • Educate and provide victims of abuse with legal resources, and a place to report the abuse

The system needs to change

I will no longer be silenced. I am a victim of domestic violence. I hope one day I can call myself a survivor but until the family court system changes and can protect women and children from their abusers, I am a victim along with thousands of others who are forced to co-parent, have lost their parenting rights, or even lost their lives to their abuser.

For the past 14 years, I have been dealing with a narcissistic co-parent who continues to abuse me verbally, emotionally, financially and legally. While I realized he was abusive shortly before my child was born, I have never been able to escape the abuse due to a broken court system. This very system has allowed my abuser to lie, file motion after motion, violate court orders, and portray me as “the abuser” with absolutely zero consequnces for my abuser.


Every day the family court system miserably fails to protect thousands of women and children from their abusers and even enables abusers by failing to impose consequences for violations of court orders and manipulation of the legal system. I know that I am not the only victim of this broken court system, a system that should have been a lifeline and protected us, our children and our families.

Together, we must no longer be silenced and must fight to advocate for changes in our family court system.


"The consequences of domestic violence and its effects on children are also misunderstood and underestimated by judges, who tend to prioritize and grant contact with fathers."


-Alsalem, R. (2023). Custody, violence against women and children. United Nations.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is to bring awareness and demand change from our family court system in order to protect, women children and victims of domestic abuse.

"Victims of violence have reported feeling belittled by Judges and legal professionals and of being revictimized by professionals who lack an understanding of the impact and dynamics of domestic violence."

-Alsalem, R. (2023). Custody, violence against women and children. United Nations.

We Need Your Support Today!

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